Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #884 – Headaches, Vision Problems, Weight Loss after Stopping

I don’t know whether Aspartame weight gain was psychological or actual.  I do know that I developed increasing headaches and vision problems due to Aspartame which I stopped consuming over a year ago.

In its place, I simply changed my diet.  That change did not mean drinking sugared Pepsi instead of Diet Pepsi.  It meant changing from junk food diet drinks to a more natural diet without any added sweetener.  I stopped consuming soft drinks, tea or coffee, and drank herbal teas that did not need sweetener, Mountain Valley Water (which I use for all cooking and beverages, even for my pets).  I’ve returned to eating fresh fruits and fresh fruit juices or shakes and avoiding anything with sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Since I’ve stopped using NutraSweet, my vision is becoming better and the headaches have ceased.   In fact, I can now see with eye glasses that I used 6 years ago.  Whereas, when I used Equal, I was constantly getting new prescriptions.

Since I rarely buy food at the grocery store, the food I am able to buy is not yet contaminated with artificial ingredients.  And, although I’ve had a weight problem for years, it is not due to buying natural food, but rather what I had eaten while also consuming Equal.

I’m losing weight now.  In the last two weeks, I’ve lost about 8 pounds.

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