My little girl was seven when she started to experience problems.
She is a tubby little thing – it runs in our family and always has. When I was expecting her I stuck to low call drinks and food. As she grew so did her weight and one day I had a call from the school nurse about it. She referred us to a hospital dietician and the diet sheet told us to switch to low call drinks and low call foods.
I followed all of this with gusto and got some artificial sweetener as well. Within a short space of time she started to be not so well.
Sometimes she was not with it and sometimes she would look real bad. She started to have funny turns and would lose the muscle power to one side of her face and loose her speech. Eventually she had a full blown fit that was very bad indeed.
When all your information arrived it prompted much discussion. My eldest child told me that my daughter loved the artificial sweetener and if may back was turned she would help herself to a couple of spoonfuls at breakfast time. She always had her fits in the late morning! EEG’s and Brain Scans produced no sign of any problems but she was and still is diagnosed as Epileptic.
They gave her medication but it did not seem to have much effect. My daughter was pale with dark circles under her eyes and a blue tinges to her lips. She did not seem to be with it and she became breathless very easily yet they could not find anything wrong!!
Life was awful but then xxxxx xxxxx asked a question on the Net about this subject and you replied. When I read all the information you sent I was horrified. I threw out any and everything that had Aspartame in it.
Three weeks late I was looking at a healthy alert child with vivacious bright eyes, rosy cheeks and red lips. She has never had a fit since and needless to say she now avoids anything with Aspartame in it. My daughter felt the improvement so much that she is convinced that this awful substance caused her problems.
She has only ever been on a low dose of seizure controlling drug and we are finding it very hard to get the medical authorities to recognize that there is a really high probability that this was the cause. Our family is convinced of it because we saw no improvement for some time after she started on medication but a wonderful improvement when we started the no Aspartame regime.
I’m sorry to have taken so long to let you know the outcome of your efforts. I have just gone on the net and the first thing I did was look you up. I just wanted to let you know that you have restored peace of mind for my daughter and me and that I support your campaign to the full. Once again thank you so very much.