Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1029 – Abdominal Pains, Acid Reflux, Grinding Neck, Diarrhea

“Last year, my health felt like it was going downhill in general. I had abdominal pains, acid reflux, and worse, my neck started making a “Grinding” sound when I turned it!!!

I have had the same exact symptoms for the last 4 years, I attributed my acid reflux from caffeine, but I would consume diet products with caffeine. When I stay away from these types of drinks I am fine.

My abdominal pains I have been experiencing lately. A burning at times accompanied with diarrhea.

And my neck grinds all the time. I actually can crack my neck without force, by just turning it. I feel that if I crack it, it will ease my head strain. I went to a chiropractor for it, thinking that had something to do with my headaches.

I will stop consuming Aspartame completely. Yikes!

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