Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1030 – Heart Fluttering, Panic Attacks, Chest Pain, Immediate Passing Out

I’ve been reading all these articles and I’ve started to limit my use of Aspartame no more in my coffee and only one diet drink a day.  The fluttering of my heart which use to occur frequently through the day when I used Aspartame daily,  me to a cardiologist for numerous tests earlier this month.  Luckily, my heart is okay but I was told, since I have panic attacks, I was experiencing one when I had chest pain and fluttering of my heart. That is not true.

I was sitting on my couch w/ my puppy watching a movie.  However, I had drunk a lot of coffee w/Aspartame that a.m. and was drinking tea sweetened w/Aspartame when I had chest pain and my heart began to flutter and hurt.  Since I have limited my use of Aspartame in the last three weeks my heart does not flutter and I have not had chest pain either.

You may certainly share this with anyone you wish.  I am so grateful for all the information you have shared with me.  I hope my short declaration was clear as I wrote it in such a hurry.  Something else I thought you might be interested in. I saw my Internal Medicine physician yesterday and shared this information with him (e.g. my limiting or stopping the use of Aspartame in my diet) and he was amazed that my heart symptoms had disappeared.

Then he told me he had a patient that if she drank even one diet drink or anything with Aspartame in it, she immediately passed out within minutes of consuming the product.   I’m a believer.  Thank you.  I am now spreading the word about the dangers of Aspartame.  Have a great day.

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