Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1063 – Memory Problems, Foggy Headed

About 5yrs ago, I was buying NutraSweet at Costco in the box of 500s and using it like crazy in coffee and iced tea. I also drank a lot of Diet Pepsi. I started to have memory problems and work and my boss threatened to fire me for being too slow. I would get lost driving in my own city doing errands. I forgot to pay the mortgage twice and left a gas stove going all day.

I saw my doctor and he sent me for a CT brain scan and they found nothing wrong. Soon after the test I read in Prevention magazine that NutraSweet can cause short term memory loss.

That next morning I used no NutraSweet in my coffee and noticed a huge difference! I wasn’t foggy headed and could think so much clearer! So now I use Stevia in my coffee.

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