I had a seizure at work nearly 2 years ago. Then lots of what they call “auras” until I had another seizure 6 months ago. Then I was told I had epilepsy and put on some horrible medication. I was thoroughly miserable about this. But took my pills, thinking I had no choice.
The auras stopped, the depression increased. Then, at work, in front of several of my bosses at an important meeting, another seizure happened. The medicine wasn’t working. Ii did lots of research and found all this stuff about aspartame. I’ve been on the diet coke for years; and drinking 4 or 5 coffees a day with sweetener. I love yoghurt. And god knows what else. Here’s the answer then eh? I’ve been off the deadly aspartame for 2 months. I feel so much better. I can join in conversations again. My memory is returning. My confidence is coming back. My energy is getting better. The depression is still there, but getting better. I’m still taking the pills, but daren’t really come off them, just in case. My neurologist isn’t convinced. He says it’s not text book. but he’s probably being financed by some drugs company?? Thank god for the people setting all this up. What else can we do to spread the word? Karen