Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #042 – Cramping, Hives, Palitations, Blurred Vision

My son and I have been victims of Aspartame poisoning. I lost my female parts because of what it does to your hormones. I had abdominal cramping like labor, hives, heart palpitations, spaciness, blurred vision, loss of vision, headaches, restless legs, backaches and depression. My son was in the hospital with terrible abdominal pains, vomiting and another time for a headche so bad he crawled to the car–they found nothing wrong any of the times. We finally deducted months later for all of us that it had been the Weight Watchers diet I was on and he had consumed liters of grapefruit jiuce with it in it. He so much as gets a piece of gum and his tongue, face and lips go numb. His girlfriend has popping noises in her head, flashes of light and migraines from one piece of Orbit gum. This is poison and no one will believe us when we say it is poison–they say it doesn’t affect them. Believe me after a few years of consumption they will have a very rude awakening. Between this and mass immunization I think our government is trying to control the birth rate in the USA.–Pitiful…

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