I have studied ASPARTAME POISONING for nearly 25 years because I knew that the METHYL ALCOHOL in it was dangerous. Years ago the government banned alcohol. So, the drinkers stated drinking METHYL ALCOHOL, commonly called wood alcohol. Many went blind, and many died. METHYL ALCOHOL is the most dangerous of all alcohols. At 86 degrees it breaks down to formaldehyde (embalming fluid) then to formic acid (sting of the fire ant)If you mix ASPARTAME with a little Kool-Aid you can kill ants like crazy. How much ant poison would you like to drink? Here is a story that happened to me. I was a bodybuilder. I switched from hot cereal to Total to get the extra vitamins. I used Equal on the Total not knowing that it contained ASPARTAME. Within 2 weeks I was in a deep depression. In the depression I quit eating. The depression went away. Back to the Equal the depression came back immediately. After a few rounds I realized it was the Equal that was making me sick. My doctors were ready to call my parents to make funeral arrangements. I had an unopened box of the poison. I took it back to the store. The cashier asked,” What’s wrong with it?” The ass’t manager came running from her office and exclaimed, “Give the man his money back, its poison!” I asked her why they still sold it. Her answer buckled both of my knees, “AS LONG AS PEOPLE BUY IT, WE’LL SELL IT.” That was 25 years ago, and her answer rings true yet today. Silvereagle1948@yahoo.com
Keyword search examples:
Depression, immune disease, myalgia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, nausea, MS, weight gain, etc.
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