I used to drink Diet Coke by the gallon, and would suffer these monster migraine-type headaches lasting for days at a time. My boss mentioned reading that there can be a connection between such headaches and NutraSweet. I was grasping at straws, but stopped all NutraSweet immediately and — as if by magic: no more headaches. My lupus symptoms were pretty bad at that time, but have lessened over time. Remission finally came with a combination of three factors: an aggressively positive attitude change about my health; carefully moderating everything from stress to diet; and (I give the prize to this) the two drugs Plaquenil and Zoloft. Needless to say, I strictly avoid NutraSweet and its sisters, because hey – what else might it be doing?
Keyword search examples:
Depression, immune disease, myalgia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, nausea, MS, weight gain, etc.
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