The headaches seemed to be the most common side effect, but those with CFS, FMS (fibromyalgia), MCS and organ disease should be particularly careful. *we* can get horrible symptoms from things that don’t bother a healthy person. I was drinking 2 liters a day of diet soda to assuage my craving for sweets.
I would have drunk more if I could have afforded to. I was drinking a can of diet Pepsi as I was reading the data on Gold’s website. I couldn’t even finish it. I kept thinking of Monsanto and all the chemicals they make for home products and how bad they make me feel when I’m exposed to them. I also remembered a huge exhibit they had at Disneyland (telling my age here) when it first opened—indoctrinating innocent children, the ride was pretty cool though. Well, I went cold-turkey off this stuff and within 3 days, my craving for sweets stopped!!! Just like that!
I still eat them, but I don’t *crave* them the way I used to. This has made me feel the whole thing is even more insidious than I previously thought.