Aspartame Anti-Testiminials© #057 – Grand Mal Seizures

I worked at Nutrasweet plant in Augusta, GA from 1984-89. They let me go because I developed Seizure Disorder, and said I had become a liability to them. I got seriously ill and it’s effects of toxicity have pervased my life. I do not have Grand Mal Seizures any more, however mental disorders continue. I’ve been on disability since 1997.

I’m now 47 yrs old. The sickness in my mind and body caused by Nutrasweet has cost me a lifetime of misery and suffering. Currently I’m going to a Electro Acupuncturist twice weekly to help me with muscular disorders. I would like information on any class action lawsuits against Nutrasweet, as I would like to join as well. I went to the V.A.Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y. and participated in a double blind test study in January 1990.

I have the Doctors name in my files. They failed to locate the test data after the release date for information dissimination. I have a video tape of me having a seizure in the Epileptic Unit at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta, GA. The seizure occurred after consumption of several diet Sprites. I have been ill for a very long time now and wish to do something about it to recover punitive and economic damages from the makers of Nutrasweet. Please help if you can. Thank you, George McMurrain,

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