Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #043 – Hives

I have been drinking aspartame since I can remember. Recently I had a hives break out on my arms, my legs and my stomach. I went to two medical doctors who diagnosed it as being from the sun, scabies or just a rash that will go away. I asked one of them if drinking a product with aspartame was harmful and he said it wasn’t, he drank about a liter of it a day himself. The hives did not go away, I finally went to my chiropractor. As soon as he saw my skin he said it was my liver…the aspartame was destroying my liver. It has been three weeks now since I have had an aspartame and the hives are gone. I had the worst headache for about three days but a cup of coffee cured that. I wish I had l had listened to all those warnings about aspartame, it’s amazing how much better I feel now. I am trying to spread my knowledge to other “addicts” now.

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