Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1008 – Horrible Behavior Issues

My little 9 year old son takes 4 asthma meds daily.  I was noticing horrible behavior issues with him.  He is sweet and docile and kind. Fights with his siblings. But relatively fabulous. Well. We were trying to figure out why the kid would fly off the handle sometimes.  Just get horribly angry.  Kick things in his way.  Very unusual.  I told my husband perhaps what we thought was “just the way he is” was drug-induced.  He’s been on lots of meds for years.  Perhaps what we thought was normal for him was really the drugs talking.  WELL, I looked at his Singulair prescription that he hadn’t been taking for long.  It was a fairly new prescription for him.  That got us wondering how long his outbursts had been going on.  Were we just used to them?  Had they always been this bad?  This frequent?  Has he always had them or did they just start?  When you live with something, you don’t always see when things start.  Or remember! The Singulair had ASPARTAME.  Ooh, I was so mad!  So I switched his Rx to adult pills and I cut them in half.  NEW BOY no more outbursts.

Thanks be to God.  I was starting to think we had done something wrong.  That he’d end of some wife-beating out-of-control nut.  I have my baby boy back. Julieb

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