My list of health problems grew longer and longer over the course of drinking diet sodas for 15 years. Never did I imagine it was all related to the diet sodas. I have been very angry since this discovery, as I still have severe memory loss – at times struggling for words just to finish a sentence. I had severe insomnia for years. I experienced the spots, floaters and chronic fatigue, tingling in my hands, eating binges, and headaches with blind attacks. Toward the end I was having severe muscle spasms/contractions in my legs constantly – I thought I was going to reach the point of not being able to walk at all. Fortunately, my mother had received an email with a list of the negative reactions caused by the consumption of Aspartame/sucralose. I immediately stopped all use of any fake sugars. All of the symptoms I have listed above eventually went away, with the exception of, as I stated earlier the memory loss. It is very embarrassing and I work hard at hiding this problem from my friends, family and colleagues – I know there are times my husband genuinely worries and is perplexed by the memory loss. He, as well as many others, think that I am crazy when I tell them the cause. I discovered this 6 years ago and am appalled that so many others are still suffering because of this poison. I want to thank you for your efforts in educating the public – you are doing a great service!
Keyword search examples:
Depression, immune disease, myalgia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, nausea, MS, weight gain, etc.
In Progress