About 15 years ago I worked in a warehouse that was not air conditioned and I was drinking sodas all day long. Needless to say I started to gain weight, so I made some sugar free Kool-Aid to take to work. Well I got a headache that felt like the top of my skull was being crushed in all the way around the top. The next day more Kool-Aid and the very same headache. So I have never used anything with Aspartame in it since. Guess what I have never had such a monster headache like that again.
But my real story is this; my mother was using NutraSweet in coffee and tea and drank Diet Coke. In March of 2000 she was having a dry cough so I had taken her to the hospital doctor’s office and while she was there she had congestive heart failure. It was caused by a buildup of fluids around her heart. So this meant her kidneys had gone bad. Then she had to go on dialysis 3 times a week. One morning about 2 years ago she was so sick, I took her to the emergency room and they ran all kinds of tests on her, X-rays, blood work, EEG, EKG and found nothing. 2 days later the same exact thing again emergency room and all the tests again. The doctors found nothing.
Then I remembered my own experience with Aspartame and did a web search and found your site. I couldn’t believe the number of people having such a wide range of problems after taking something with Aspartame in it. Well I threw everything with Aspartame in it away and got her to understand she could never have Diet Coke again. It took about 3 to 4 months before her problems went away.
She has not had anything with Aspartame in it and guess what she has not had those same problems since. There is no way for me to prove it, but I believe it was the Aspartame that destroyed her kidneys and caused the need for dialysis.
This is a woman that did not drink or smoke or use anything to excess, so why would her kidneys fail? There are lots of other people that are her age and do not require dialysis. It doesn’t take a PhD or a rocket scientist to see a connection here. So my advice to everyone if you have just half a brain you won’t use any kind of artificial sweetener esp. Aspartame.