I have never liked NutraSweet but now none of my family uses it. My niece was only two years old when she started having seizures. They took her to a clinic and determined that it was not epilepsy. At one point she went into respiratory arrest and almost died if she hadn’t been in the hospital at the time I believe she would have. They put her on Dilantin which made her a zombie and she still had seizures. One day when she had another seizure my brother called me asking me what he could do (she had passed out again). Out of the blue I remembered that when NutraSweet first came out, seizures in epileptics and young children was a possible side effect. I asked him if she had been having any. They had been giving her NutraSweet popsicles because they were concerned with how many she was eating (more than 4 a day). I told him what I remembered and they took her off the Dilantin and NutraSweet. She only had one more seizure (we think she got some sugar free Jell-O at a picnic). She went from having seizures that could not be controlled to no medication at all in a matter of weeks. The doctors did not want her taken off the meds. They would not listen to my brother about the NutraSweet connection. Now she is a fine and healthy second grader.
I know of many diabetics drinking diet sodas. This is a known hazard and has been from the start. When will our medical community start to listen? How many children are having seizures now due to NutraSweet?
And it seems that every epileptic I know is using NutraSweet because their doctor says it is Okay to have it!!! (at least 4 people) Thank you for being out there to inform people. I just wish more people would listen.