Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1086 – Muscle Twitching, Dizziness, Problems Swallowing, Muscle Contractions, Hoarse Throat, Sporadic Finger Twitching, MS / ALS Symptoms

First of all, I have spinal stenosis. Those symptoms are lower back pain, numbness after standing for a while and neck pain. Occasional hand tingling, really no big problem.

But here were my ASPARTME symptoms: ALL MS / ALS symptoms!!!!

1. Muscle twitching

2. Dizziness (not related to sinus pressure)

3. Feeling like I was in a psychedelic scene of a bad horror movie

4. Problems swallowing, very scary!!!!

5. Muscle contractions that made my whole body contract!!!!

6. Hoarse throat

7. Sporadic finger twitching

When my spine doctor tested my strength he said I was “a bull”, which was a good sign against neuro-muscular disease. He asked my about Diet Coke and I had been consuming high amounts.

I stopped and my symptoms disappeared in two weeks. I still want to sue Diet Coke for the scariest two weeks of my life!

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