I just found your website and would like to share with you the problems that I had from drinking diet pop with Aspartame in it. I had joint and muscle pain, tingling hands, fatigue and insomnia. I could hardly stand to use my hands, I felt like a cripple. I went to the doctor he tested me for lupus, MS, fibromyalgia, Lyme’s disease, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome and depression. He couldn’t diagnosis anything, what I had was a mystery to him. I had to wear braces on my arms for 6 months. Eventually all symptoms subsided and my life got back to normal and I never figured out why the symptoms came or why they left, that is until I hear about Aspartame. I now know that the symptoms went away because I stopped drinking diet pop every day, I just never put the two things together. I never dreamed that I was causing the problems myself by drinking several cans of pop a day. I am very careful now about Aspartame now that I know what caused the problems and they have not returned.
Keyword search examples:
Depression, immune disease, myalgia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, nausea, MS, weight gain, etc.
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