Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #1089 – Severe Headaches, Stomach Pain, Severe Memory Problems, Vision Problems

I started using Aspartame when it went into all the diet sodas on the market and I had severe headaches and stomach pain on the day that I started drinking the soda with this sweetener in them. I proceeded to have very severe memory problems – I could not remember even small normal words such as cup and pen- I knew that I knew the word -but I could not pull the word out of my brain to use it in conversation. I would be talking and in the middle of a sentence stop talking because I forgot what I was talking about and I could not remember – the harder I would try to remember the farther away it seemed to go. Someone could tell me what I was talking about and I could maybe finish the sentence or 2 or three sentences. I would be driving along and a 6 to 8 foot section of the road would just disappear I could still see the road further ahead of that section but if I moved my eyes up toward the section of road that was still visible it would disappear also. I had to try to stay within the lines on the sides of the road by using -what I guess would be peripheral vision. I could not sleep and even when I thought I was asleep my husband and daughter would walk into a room and start talking to me – when I asked why they insisted on talking to me when I was asleep – they told me I was laying there with my eyes wide open.

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