I am VERY upset about the legalization of this horrible substance, I do believe my very severe migraines, borderline narcolepsy (even falling suddenly asleep while driving) weight gain, depression, depression about my weight gain, low thyroid, food addiction, memory loss, while having severe migraines my eyes were so blurry I literally couldn`t see, stress from the belief that my migraines were going to KILL me, and poor night vision (inability to see distance and very dry eyes).
I seriously believe all of these things listed have been directly caused by ASPARTAME that was in my Diet Coke and Diet Dr. Pepper, I drank these things thinking they are “ok” since they ARE legal totally unaware of the horrible effects, I even allowed my daughter to chew gum and drink soft drinks with Aspartame .
I believe this not only because of learning about what it REALLY is but also because I did NOT have any of these problems until after I started drinking Diet Coke, I know exactly when I started drinking Diet Coke because I had a step-grandmother who drank it (she was led to believe it is Good for her since she was a diabetic) when her son married my mom, we started buying Diet Coke and I started drinking it, not knowing any of the TRUTH about Aspartame I kept consuming this poison that is brand named ASPARTAME.