I enjoyed reading your article on NutraSweet. I have known of the problems with the product for years. My first experience with it left me with a very BAD headache. My father who was diabetic started drinking it. His eye sight started going bad before he died. This was attributed to the disease, and not to any other possible causes. I first learned about the problems with NutraSweet from an article in an aviation magazine about 10 or more years ago and since then have never knowingly had it again. I have warned anyone that I know who drinks or eats NutraSweet products about the problem but I am always met with “If it was so bad they would never let it get on the market! “. This concerns me, especially when I see an expectant mother who drinks diet pop like it was water.
What effects will this have on the child? Will there be altered brain chemistry? High risk of cancer? Learning disabilities?