Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #221 – Chronic Foot Pain

I want to thank the person who posted something about Aspartame (NutraSweet(R)) and pain last week.  Apparently they quit using this diet sweetener and certain pains subsided.

Over the past couple years, I have seen 4 doctors and a chiropractor (hey, it hurt) for increasing, chronic pain in my left big toe joint. It started out from 2 or 3 on a 10 scale, increasing to about 8 or 9 over the past few months.  As expected, there was nothing these health-care professionals could do for it.

Well, after reading that post last week, I decided to quit drinking Diet Coke(TM) (about 1 to 2 cans per day), spooning on the Equal), and using other Aspartame-based products for a while.  The results were immediate and dramatic!   Within two days the pain was down to about a 1, with only slight soreness from having it hurt so long.

Over the past couple days I’ve had virtually no pain!  In fact, I     walked/played 18 holes of golf on Sunday (in my “bad” golf shoes no less) and only the pain of playing golf poorly lingered.

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