Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #231 – Migraines

I reviewed the message board on NutraSweet.  I suffer terribly from migraines.  I’m swearing off diet Pepsi.  I don’t drink coffee so I guess I’ll have to start drinking ice tea with good old fashioned sugar.  What is this product Stevia?

I am a 51 year old, white post-menopausal female on estrogen therapy.  I have high blood pressure and increasingly frequent migraines since I was 19.  Normally, my migraines arrive in the wee hours of the morning – 3 or 4 am, and by noon I have re-bounded enough to function.  For my blood pressure I take 240 mg Cardizem and 20 mg Lotensin, both of which should help to screen out migraines.  However, I frequently have to resort to Cafergot, although I do limit the amount of Cafergot that I take over the period of one week.  I do not drink any alcohol and never have,  I do not smoke.  After having read the NutraSweet messages a few minutes ago, I’m going to swear off of Diet Pepsi.  I also know that chocolate and aged cheeses can trigger migraines — but not always, so there must be a tolerance level that i exceed to trigger one.  Can anyone give me any input as to why my headaches always seem to start when I am trying to get some sleep!

Thank you, thank, and thank you.  No NutraSweet yesterday (or any soft drink for that matter) and no headache this morning!

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