Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #306 – Migraines, Loss of Consciousness

What an impressive list of problems you give.  It makes my migraines look somewhat insignificant.

A friend of mine, also in the UK, has more severe problems I know of.  For several years she suffered from unexplained loss of consciousness.  Without warning and with no other apparent symptoms she would pass out at irregular intervals.  This happened at work, in the street and in her home.  She was tested for everything her doctor could think of, including AIDs. The source of the problem was not found until the doctor suggested she might be allergic to saccharine.  Since she was dieting, she switched to a brand of diet cola that only used Aspartame.  Result?  The episodes got worse! Eureka!  But the doctor wouldn’t believe her because ‘Aspartame is safe’.

I am appalled by the range of products that Aspartame appears in. Diet soft drinks you expect: but non-diet drinks? Chewing gum (non-diet), crisps?

I check the ingredients list of everything I buy these days since I hate my migraines.  Apart from stress – and that only under extreme circumstances – Aspartame (NutraSweet) is my only trigger.

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