First, before I forget. My husband, John, retired at age 63, in 1993. Soon after retirement he began to show sign that we thought were arthritis.
He was slumping forward, shuffling his feet, holding his arms funny as he walked. The Rheumatologists kept saying it was arthritis in his back. He just kept getting worse and worse. Then he couldn’t button his shirt, turn his collar down in the back, and pull his pants up in the back. Went to the Dr., had MRI’s and brain scans run. We were told he was having small strokes and nothing could be done. Well, I just couldn’t stand that. So I insisted we see a Neurologist. The Neurologist took one look at him and told us he had Parkinson’s disease. We have known this since Feb. 27, 1996.
At that time he was drinking diet pop. After finding out about my encounter with NutraSweet, he went off it too. Probably sometime in June. (He wanted to drink the rest we had in the refrigerator.) But, anyhow, he’s off it.
About a month ago he went to having problems with his stomach. He was sick and just laid on the couch for a week. I took him off his medicine for two days and he seemed to get better. Then, back on the regular dosage. Then sick again. This time I checked with the Dr. and again cut his dosage in half. We have been doing this since Sept. 10. He says he is feeling much better than he has in a long time. I wonder if the Parkinson’s was caused by the aspartame and now he only needs 1/2 the medicine because the aspartame is out of his body?? I will keep you updated as to his progress.
Now for my update.
I had a wonderful summer. My pain (which was a 44) ran at about a 6 all summer. It was so great to be able to do things I hadn’t done in years. We worked in a small garden, worked in our flower beds, walked and walked and walked. And all without pain pills, TENS units, cane, anything like that. One day we figured that we had walked probably 6 miles. Me who had cried after 53 steps from my office to the restroom.