Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #471 – Carbohydrates Craving, Weight Gain

At the urging of a fellow addict, I gave up NutraSweet, cold turkey. That       was just this Tuesday. The first few days were rough. Would you believe that I no longer crave carbohydrates?

I no longer crave really sweet things?? I used to drink 2+ liters daily. Now I drink at least a gallon of water, sometimes with some natural fruit juice.

Do you know the worst thing about NutraSweet? Since I started drinking a lot of it, I gained 100+ lbs. Some people’s bodies store NutraSweet just as they would sugar. What does stored sugar turn into??? FAT.

As a result of going cold turkey this past Tuesday. I stepped on the dreaded scale. I LOST 5 LBS. in only four days.

Give up NutraSweet. You will find your cravings less. Drink that water.

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