Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #621 – Severe Paralyzing Stomach Cramps

I have known for years now that the sweetener is “deadly” to my own body because of the severe, almost paralyzing stomach cramping, gas etc. that it causes.  I avoid it at all costs but am particularly distressed about one thing.  Each time I am admitted to Ben Taub Hospital here in Houston (3 times since Sept. and will be again next week for what I hope will be my final radiation implant. had a radical hysterectomy in October) I list NutraSweet as one of the things that I am allergic to.  And since I have to be on a liquid diet it really ticks me off when my tray arrives and I taste the Jell-O and it has. You guessed it. NutraSweet!  And complaining doesn’t do a thing!

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