Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #629 – Choking, Coughing

I have had the most interesting recovery.  It isn’t complete because I am still asthmatic but the change is EXTREMELY BENEFICIAL.

I have been choking and coughing for almost three years now.  It seemed to start with a very bad cold.  And, the coughing and asthma that accompanied it stayed.  No mucous, just wheezing, coughing and asthma.

I have never been given an asthma medication that I liked.  Most of them made me feel “angry” all of the time and some of them gave me Thrush and Vaginal Candida infections.  So, I suffered along.  I couldn’t put more than 5 words together without coughing and talking because an unpleasant exercise.  I have avoided most of my allergic causing things i.e. cigarette smoke, animals, dust, mold, mildew, etc. but it stayed and staying.  Then I got stomach flu and could only take liquids for about 4 days.  During that time I was drinking Ginger ale and it got worse.  I was thinking about a hospital visit because I was having so much trouble breathing.  My first day back at work, my partner suggested that I stop drinking DIET SODA.  That’s when I realized that all I have touched for about the past four years in the way of soft drinks is DIET SODAS (root beer, ginger ale, and coke).  So I stopped drinking the stuff and within 5 days my breathing had improved immensely.  It has now been three weeks and the difference is remarkable.  Yes, I still have asthma—but now do not need any medication at all because I am no longer wheezing all the time.  It will come back when I get sick with colds.

Oh yes, it also comes back when I inadvertently eat something that contains artificial sweeteners. (Like 2 days ago I ate a dessert and as soon as I finished it, realized that it had started to affect me.) The asthma has lasted 2 days, not severe, but enough to make me cautious.

Now, I will always read labels and if I don’t know what’s in it, I won’t have it.

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