Have just discovered your effort to combat Aspartame/NutraSweet use. After eight (8) years of suffering and being seen by every specialist in my area, I have finally discovered (through a God-sent Kinesiologist) that I was actually “allergic” to all the NutraSweet I was consuming (sometimes in excess of 6 cans of Diet Coke per day, not to mention all the “diet” things it may have been hidden in! Even after an MRI brain scan, no medical doctor questioned my “habits”!! I awoke one morning in 1989 with a funny sort of “dizzy” feeling and tried desperately for the next almost 8 years to solve or get to the bottom of my problem. After eliminating NutraSweet from my diet for a couple of weeks, my symptoms disappeared!! Miracle!! Please share this hope with others and register my toxic reaction with any and all organizations you can!
Grateful in Atlanta.