I’ve noticed over the past few years that after using Equal for several months, I will have serious pains in the stomach area. The first time I went to a MD who fully examined me and told me to use Zantec, to no avail.
I then started to omit various foods, etc. and found that when I eliminated NutraSweet for a week the pain went away.
After a call to the company, without any meaningful comment by them, I then started using Equal after a month or so without difficulty for about a year. When the same pains started again I at once stopped using NutraSweet and the pain disappeared almost at once.
After the past eight months of usage, again, I today began the same pain and have stopped NutraSweet. If I am correct that the source of the pain is NutraSweet (Equal) the pain should stop in a day or so.
The stomach pain disappeared. I did what I had done before and that was to stay off Equal for a few weeks and went back to sugar and at times the pink stuff.