I have spent much of this afternoon reviewing, with interest, the material on your web site, along with that on the xxxxx web site and that of xxxxx, as well as the xxxxxx Web Site.
This was prompted by a several weeks of ongoing severe headaches and throat irritation that had gone unexplained. I had come to the conclusion that perhaps allergies were at play, and started to watch for what brought on the symptoms. The last two evenings, symptoms were brought on severely by the same apparent cause: extra-large, fast food Diet Cokes!
Over the past 3-4 months, I moved from my prior job to create a startup business. I am a software designer and developer and have spent a great deal of time at home creating a new software program. As a result, my intake of Diet Coke has increased dramatically. However, I did not begin to expect this was a problem until the past two evenings.
I have cut out these drinks as of today, and will monitor whether this causes the symptoms to subside. If you would like, I will report back to you after a period of time.
Thanks you for your efforts to make this information available. The first site I found was the xxxxx site. I was quite discouraged as I thought I had identified the problem. Only when I followed my other search links did I realize the whole truth might not be there.
I have sworn off Aspartame since my first message. My symptoms disappeared and have not returned. Frankly I was amazed. This has caused me to look more carefully at other stuff going into my body.
Note that I did not give up coffee initially. This was on my list of possible causes also. Much later, I did give it up, but long after (months after) my symptoms had disappeared.