Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #830 – Seizures

Yes I am off of Aspartame completely!!  Have been feeling good.  Haven’t had any seizures and have been able to cut back on my Dilantin.  I am also cutting out caffeine now.  Of course my neurologist won’t admit that Aspartame has anything to do with seizures, he just laughs when asked that question.  But I do know that I didn’t have seizures until I was 19 years old, (after I started drinking diet soda) and am not having them now (off of diet sodas and all other NutraSweet).  My CT scan and MRI were both normal and doctors can’t explain why I had seizures.  EEG did show seizure activity, so I know I was not just crazy.  I would be curious to see if my EEG is now improved.  But that costs a lot of money, so I guess I’ll just enjoy my new and improved lifestyle and keep my fingers crossed.  Cutting back on the Dilantin has also given me more energy!

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