It was about 10 years ago. I was a Diet Coke addict. I drank about 2 liters a day. Oh, I loved the taste so much and began noticing that I seemed thirstier when I wasn’t drinking my Diet Cokes. I’d estimate I drank this amount for about one year. Then one day I decided I was going to quit drinking Diet Coke. Mainly because I had read an article about Aspartame toxicity. It was in a newsletter I received in the mail from Dr. Julian Whitaker.
So I quit cold turkey. Within 24 hours my body began to detox. I had a headache so severe I thought my head was going to explode. I was thinking this was probably from the caffeine. Then the detox really hit me. I spent days in the bathroom with liquid green stuff coming out of my bowels. I developed a high fever of 105 degrees. The perspiration coming out of my body smelled just like turpentine. It was horrible. I saw spiders on the ceiling and wall. I went to my doctor and he said I had the stomach flu.
Folks I’m here to tell you it was not the stomach flu. I was going through a very strong and horrible detox as the Aspartame was coming out of my body. Pure chemical smells from the bowels to the perspiration to my breath. This put me in bed for 5 weeks. There is no doubt in my mind it was Aspartame poisoning/detox. To this day if I accidently get even a super small dose of NutraSweet, my eyes begin to swell shut along with my throat. As far as I’m concerned it is deadly stuff. The things we read on the net are true.
People call me radical as well. I’m really very conservative. If you’ll do your own research with this wonderful tool we call the Internet you will learn about things like, “Monsanto (the makers of Aspartame) pay the FDA huge amounts of money to say their product is “safe.” Ultimately it comes down to the fact that each individual must make their own choice whether to consume this product or not. I choose NOT! And I can’t honestly say I feel the FDA has the best interest about my health in mind.