I stumbled upon your web site after reading about milk and it’s additives at notmilk.com. I had been using Equal for everything. I was overweight about 7 years ago and decided to follow the Atkins put me on Glucophage to help me to try to lose weight. Anyway, once I came across Aspartamekills.com, they recommended your site. Sure enough, I cut out all Aspartame, which I must say is very difficult, and all my symptoms are gone. I am not dizzy anymore. The feeling of “walking in a dream” is gone. My body aches and pains are gone. My chronic hip pain is there no longer. That spot on my head is even getting better. It’s been 3 months since I stopped. By the way, FYI – There is ONE diet soda that does not use phenylalanine and that is diet rite. Aspartame is in everything! Every single gum I have looked at has it in there; the only one I found that doesn’t is bubble yum, which is loaded with sugar. Also, I have now lost 20 of the 60 pounds I had gained over the past 2 years!!! People, please listen!!! Stevia, Stevia, Stevia is the answer! Stay away from the poison that is Equal! Theresa
Keyword search examples:
Depression, immune disease, myalgia, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, nausea, MS, weight gain, etc.
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