Aspartame Anti-Testimonials© #968 – Severe Headaches, dizziness, Seizure Symptoms, Severe Joint Pain, Confusion, Memory Loss, Numbness, Panic Attacks, Chest Pains, Erratic Heartbeat, Severe Stomach Pains, Burning Urine, UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

I have just discovered the horrible effects of Aspartame. I have been a Coca-Cola drinker for years (not knowing it contained Aspartame).

I also chewed Trident White sugarless gum for many years not realizing any harm was being done.

In the last few years I have had severe headaches, usually on the right side of my head.  Sometimes I would be driving and I would have spells of dizziness that would just appear anytime.  Sometimes I felt like my mind got blanked out for a while.  I couldn’t explain the feeling but it felt like seizures or maybe aneurysms. It was so frightening; I went to a neurologist to get a C-Scan several years back.  They saw something on my brain but couldn’t explain it. I probably could attain the x-rays that have these spots on my brain. Recently then came severe joint pain, confusion, memory loss, numbness in the finger tips, panic attacks, chest pains, erratic heartbeats, severe stomach pains, burning urine, UTIs for no reason.  You name it I was a walking health problem.  I have been in the doctor’s office numerous times for numerous symptoms.  The doctors probably thought I was a hypochondriac?!  I thought maybe it was due to age.

I got on the internet looking for answers, mainly to seek the dangers of Aspartame and low and behold.  There it was like an answer from above your site and all the people who were complaining about the same things.  I knew it!  It was Aspartame all along that was giving me these problems.  So I went into detox and then came the severe stomach pains, diarrhea, menstrual cramps, and severe headaches. The joint pain has disappeared along with many other ailments I mentioned, which were Aspartame attributed.  I wait to see how many more symptoms will disappear.  I still have bouts with stomach problems and headaches that just don’t go away.  I’ll have to check them out soon with the doctors.

I’ve always had asthma, but there were times when it was really severe and I wonder if hidden Aspartames in the past had anything to do with triggering these episodes.

Needless to say, I am very angry that there is such a poison on the market, and it’s legally approved by the FDA!  Scary!  Something has to be done!  I emailed some of the info on your site to friends to make them aware also!

I’m glad I’ve found answers to so many questions.  I would like to join the fight against Monsanto and there EVIL WAYS!

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