Aspartame Doctor Quotes© #018 – Aspartame is Unsafe Says Medical Studies

Independent scientific peer reviewed medical studies continually show aspartame is unsafe. This has been going on for three decades. FDA ignores them due to their strong ties to the aspartame industry and Big Pharma from which they get most of their revenue. To say it simply: FDA works for the drug industry, not the people! FDA ignored a hundred studies proving aspartame toxicity, such as these:

  • Three multi-year Ramazzini Studies with thousands of rats which concluded that aspartame “is a multipotential carcinogen”. A recent Denmark study confirming that aspartame jumps preterm babies up to 78%.
  • A study by Sharon Fowler at the University of Texas proving it causes obesity.
  • A recent study proving aspartame causes heart attacks and strokes. There have been three.
  • A study proving aspartame raises fasting blood sugar.

Dr. Betty Martini, Mission Possible International

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